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July 2011

 South Riding by  AUthor.

South Riding
by Winifred Holtby.

First Published: 1936

Internet entries:

South Riding
by Winifred Holtby.

Everybody enjoyed this book although not all had finished it.

It presents a wonderful evocation of the rural 30’s and a terrific description of the East Riding. We enjoyed relating the “fictional” locations with real places in our part of the world. Many of the events and characters are based on reality (a fact which did not please everyone – including the author’s mother). The dodgy land deal at the heart of the book was based on a real event in Hull which resulted in the suicide of a Conservative councilor.

The book is extremely well written and very much of its time although still relevant today in an increasingly divided society where poverty again raises its head. We all admired the great quality of characterisation with all characters sympathetically and sensitively drawn – even those of dubious morality. The book provides a political and social history of a society in the process of change as the old paternalism breaks down.

Nonetheless at its heart the novel is optimistic about the way society will develop. Criticisms were few and mainly related to issues which may have been addressed by a little self-editing had the author lived beyond her 37 years.

NS July 2011


AA Book Club
Four stars