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August 2012:

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens.

First Published: 1861

Wikipedia entries:

Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens

An appropriate choice to celebrate Dickens’s 200th birthday year this novel was hugely enjoyed by all. For many of us this classic tale was interwoven with the fabric of our lives from childhood readings through various film and television adaptations to our contemporary pleasure in its rich language, characterization and plot.

The opening chapters were considered particularly striking with their atmospheric description of the desolate marshes and Pip’s first encounter with Magwitch. The intertwining elements of the developing plot whilst occasionally stretching coincidence somewhat were generally appreciated though the ending less so. People loved the language though sometimes finding it difficult or overly verbose. The characters were richly drawn and although there was not a great deal of development Pip and Estella in particular changed during the course of the story.

Although not essential to the plot there was a great deal of humour in the book. Mr Wopsle’s performance as Hamlet was particularly admired.
What larks!

NS. August 2012


AA Book Club
Five stars


  • Multiple adaptations and translations