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November 2014:

Along The Enchanted Way of Kabul by William Blacker.<br />

Along The Enchanted Way
by William Blacker .

First Published: 2009

Along The Enchanted Way
by William Blacker

An enjoyable and evocative story universally regarded as being a very good read.

It is remarkable how these events so well described were just 30 years ago; and whilst acknowledging that life in Romania at that time was hard, focussing as it had to on survival, their existence ‘’at one with the earth’’ seemed uncomplicated compared to the hectic lives going on not so very far away in the west.

The novel was interesting and easy to place in time with its historical accuracy, drawing in as it does references to political changes and significant events of the time.

The descriptions were evocative, the changing seasons from Winter to Spring was beautiful and the relationship too gave pause for thought. Would it survive? or was it someone living ‘the stranger in a strange land’ adventure (knowing as he did that he had an escape route home)? The storyline stays with the reader….. later speculating what happened to them and indeed is he still undertaking the church renovations?

Well written, the story is fascinating and, although not exactly a page turner, it is certainly an interesting enough novel to capture the curiosity of the reader to want to read on until the end.


AA Book Club
Four stars