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Review November 2017

 The Five People You Meet in Heaven  by  Mitch Albom.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
by Mitch Albom.

First Published: 2003

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The Five People You Meet in Heaven

by Mitch Albom

This was a book that invoked almost universal approval, although strangely those who had read it twice preferred the first reading. Perhaps you need to want to know what happened! The book consists of a series of cameos as Eddie meets the five people in heaven that had an effect upon his life even if he didn’t realise it at the time. All felt that the construction of the book was very clever and a good way of telling a story. Each person has a significance that wasn’t immediately obvious on earth.

Different stories resonated with different people. For most, the story of the Blue Man and the war story were the most moving.

It was felt that the different cameos were leading towards him finding out that he had saved the girl in the theme park. The cameos themselves could have had a wider significance with the blue man indicating that everything happens for a reason; the captain that sacrifices are part of life; Ruby the importance of releasing anger and granting forgiveness; Marguerite the power of love even after death and Tala there is always a purpose for your life.

All felt that it was an easy read with excellent use of descriptions, particularly the use of colour when describing heaven. There was praise for the one-line descriptions. All thought that the stories were moving and rather sad.

All were pleased to have read the book.

Jan Capel
