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Review February 2018

 A Kestrel for a Knave by Barry Hines.

A Kestrel for a Knave
by Barry Hines.

First Published: 1968

Internet entries:

A Kestrel for a Knave

by Barry Hines

An excellent choice of book that promoted much discussion both on the book and of a more personal nature.

All found the book an easy read with excellent descriptions of the countryside.

The use of language was especially praised evoking the feel of a rough northern town through the use of accent an dialect. However, the book lapsed into too much detail at times, the football match evoked a number of critical comments.

Characterisation was strong and one’s empathy with the main character, Billy, developed through the story line. Clearly the author know a lot about falconry. The brutal life of a poor school in a mining town was well described.

Whilst the book is half a century old, the bleak sadness of Billy’s outlook translates immediately to our times. Overall we may be more wealthy but peer group poverty and bullying are alive and well.

A book worth reading, whether or not you have seen the film, “Kes”.



AA Book Club
Four stars