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Review 207:
June 2024

Songbirds by Christy Lefteri.

First Published: 2021

Internet entries:

 The Author, Christy Lefteri.

The Author

"Songbirds" by Christy Lefteri.

This book was chosen at short notice to fill a gap in our schedule, thank you.

“Songbirds” is an exploration of “culture” on the island of Cyprus from the viewpoint of impoverished, migrant workers. It is based on the real-life disappearances.

The writing is poignant and maintains a tension throughout the novel that grips the reader. Indeed the book is imbued with sadness throughout owing to the grief for a lost person and the harshness of the Life style. The songbirds are equally a casualty of this culture.

The general response from club members was an emotion of dismay and sadness bordering on horror. Whilst the cruelty to the songbirds was abhorred, the interesting point was how hard the women had to fight to be believed.

Doorly score: 3.8

PC. June 2024
