Moving forward? - beyond Plain Bob
More bells or complicated methods?
Learning Change Ringing on Handbells
Different people memorise patterns in different ways, some people are best with words, some with pictures, some with numbers, some with movement.
The only consistent factor is memory works by association.
In handbell change ringing the physical act of moving the bells reinforces the patterns that have been learned by rote and by counting.
So memorise and practise, again and again, is a key to success.
This is where the use of the simulator (Handbell Manager / Motion Controllers / Abel display) is a major help.
The physical movement becomes part of the learning, and the absence of either handbells or a band doesn’t stop your progress.
Part of the progress in learning is to assimilate skills so that they can be used on “auto pilot”, i.e. with minimum effort.
The classic example is that the three hunting patterns on 6 bells become an automatic part of ringing Plain Bob Minor.
Autopilot mode only comes with extended practise which is why quarter peal ringing is so beneficial.
Ringing a quarter of Plain Bob Minor is the handbells equivalent of Base Camp when climbing Everest, it should be everyone’s first goal.
But how do we move on beyond Plain Bob?
There are two parallel avenues to travel. The first is to increase the complexity of the methods being rung, the second is to increase the number of bells.
Most people would see the increase in the number of bells as an easier route, Plain Bob Major is often achieved before Norwich Surprise Minor
With towerbells the skill of memorising a blue line in full detail with well-developed ropesight will stand you in good stead.
On handbells, because of the intimate relationship with the method, there are more skills involved, which brings us back to the preferred learning technique.
You can get intimate with a method, by learning lines, grids, numbers, patterns, etc.
Given that we focus mainly on treble dominated methods, “treble watching” becomes another fundamental skill to be assimilated.
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