Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

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The Learning Curve 5: The Learning Process

Learning Change Ringing on Handbells

Learn a chunk, ring a bit, see something unexpected

Heather Peachey reminded me of one of the facets of learning bellringing which applies equally on towerbells as on handbells. That is that the learning process starts with learning enough to make a good attempt at ringing the method. Then you ring what you have learned.

Whilst ringing, you start to see things about the method that you were not obvious at the initial learning.

This process applies as much to Plain Bob as it does to Stedman and Surprise. Classically it applies to handbells. E.g. Coursing Order becomes obvious, bells working together, how certain pairs dance around each other in more complex methods.

All of this comes out powerfully when you have two bells.

Previous: May 2017, Power Memory

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