Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

The Hull Project:

The Project
The Website
Progress Notes
Contact us
Website Updates


Change Ringing on Handbells

How difficult is it for a group of retired people to learn change ringing on handbells?

This website was generated whilst exploring an answer to that question.

We started with four people, two complete novices, one person who was able to ring to peal standard but had not touched a bell for 35 years, and one person who had rung and conducted several peals, but not in the last 35 years.

So the intention is to capture the learning points as well as to enjoy some ringing.

At this point, and not before, we clarified the goal for the project:
"To grow the double handed change ringing capability, in East Yorkshire, until it is capable of sustaining itself".

Good ringing is about the consistency of rhythm of the ringing, an easy phrase to write down. It is the conscious policy of the leader to aim for perfect striking, but not to insist in perfection as a barrier to progress in exploring and pushing the boundaries of ability.

Site Sections:

About this website

This set of web pages is mainly about how to get going in change ringing on handbells, and all of the statements are made in that context only. Some of what is said applies to tower bells but we have not complicated matters by making generic statements, or separating out stuff that relates only to handbells. Neither do the statements relate to playing a carillon, ringing tunes on handbells, or making music in the traditionally accepted sense.

We appreciate all the forms of music made with bells and respect and admire the exponents of those arts.

Most people come to handbell ringing from starting on towerbells, but we have not assumed any prior knowledge in writing these pages. So some of the material might feel laboured and over detailed, but before you rush to e-mail suggestions for improvement, please ask someone who knows "nothing" about bellringing to read the pages and see how they react.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Progress on the
Hull Project:

Progress Notes:

Towards the end of 2016 a handbell changeringing monthly newsletter was introduced. Progress notes from 2016, and 2017 and subsequent newsletters can all be found on the Archive Page.

Contact details:


Please copy the following address into the address line in your e-mail engine:

If you live anywhere near Hull, or are a University / College Student we would love to hear from you. If you have no handbell change ringing experience and think you would be interested in learning, please send an e-mail with your contact details.

Update History:

For details, please go to: Update History.