Change Ringing on Handbells
How difficult is it for a group of retired people to learn change ringing on handbells?
This website was generated whilst exploring an answer to that question.
We started with four people, two complete novices,
one person who was able to ring to peal standard but had not touched a bell for 35 years,
and one person who had rung and conducted several peals, but not in the last 35 years.
So the intention is to capture the learning points as well as to enjoy some ringing.
At this point, and not before, we clarified the goal for the project:
"To grow the double handed change ringing capability, in East Yorkshire,
until it is capable of sustaining itself".
Good ringing is about the consistency of rhythm of the ringing, an easy phrase to write down.
It is the conscious policy of the leader to aim for perfect striking,
but not to insist in perfection as a barrier to progress in exploring and pushing the boundaries of ability.