Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Best of YouTube

Recordings of change ringing on handbells

NB: 9th May, 2018:
A YouTube search for 'change ringing on handbells' produced about 2,590 results. The following 21 videos are worth watching / listening to.
NB2: 10th September, 2021
Unfortunately Google no longer provides search hits statistics on YouTube.

Those few of the remainder that are actually about handbell change ringing usually have poor striking, or demonstrate poor bell handling (e.g. flourishes, or knee damping), and should be avoided as counter-productive towards good ringing. However, if you find a gem amongst the remainder please drop me a note.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells


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Norwich S. Minor, 3 lead touch.

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Alfie Pipe, aged 3.

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Henry Pipe, aged 6, Plain Bob Minor.

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Plain Bob Minor, part of a quarter peal, note technology supporting a disabled ringer.

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A peal of 41 Spliced Surprise Minor, 26th June, 2021.

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Pevensey Delight Minor, the Pipe family.

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College Bob IV, the Pipe family, blindfolded, random bells, May 2020.

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Peal of 30,240 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor,
212 methods. After 10 minutes:

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Peal of 30,240 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor,
212 methods. After 3 hours:

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Peal of 40,320 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor,
336 methods. After 14 hours:

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Stedman Triples - good ringing but a poor recording.


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Double Helix 12th November, 2011, in Cambridge.

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Oxford Treble Bob at the Suffolk Guild 95th Anniversay Dinner, March 2018.

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Peal of Plain Bob at Wedmore, Somerset, 27th August 2020.

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Handbell Stadium - first peal, Yorkshire S Major, 28 August 2020.

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Grandsire Caters, 30th May 2010.


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Ringing in St Alban's Cathedral - 1987 or 1988.

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Kent Treble Bob Royal - Sponsored peal, extract.

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Stedman Cinques by the Cambridge Youths..

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Stedman Cinques at Caroline House's birthday dinner.


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Bristol Surprise Maximus (Simon Melen, 4 in hand).

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Spliced Surprise Maximus at the ASCY's Dinner, 2016.

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4 Spliced Surprise Maximus at the ASCY's Dinner, 2017.

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4 Spliced Surprise Maximus at the ASCY's Dinner, 2018.

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3? Spliced Surprise Maximus at the ASCY's Dinner, 2019.

14 Bells

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Bristol(?) Surprise 14 Exeter University Dinner, 2014.

16 Bells

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Bristol Surprise 16-in at the College Youths' Dinner 2010.

20 Bells

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Bristol Surprise 20-in at the College Youths' Dinner 2009.

24 Bells

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24-in for Rod Pipe.

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24-in for the Ringing World.

ASCY & ODG recordings
