Little Bob Major on Handbells
Little Bob Major is a closely related subset of Plain Bob Major.
In Little Bob at all stages, the treble hunts up to 4ths place, makes 4ths hand and back, and then hunts back down to lead.
The 4ths place causes dodging in 5-6, and 7-8, and superficially the method is otherwise Plain Bob.
A lead of the method contains just 8 change rows and the Plain Course is 56 changes.
With the course of Little Bob containing exactly half of the rows in Plain Bob, and with a seconds place Lead End, the method should be a simple step up from Plain Bob.
In fact, the perturbation caused by the half lead 4ths is severe giving rise to frequent changes of hunting pattern, some extra (half-lead) dodges, and a change to the lead-end order.
If a band is going to ring a serious length of Little Bob Major, some study time will give benefits of familiarity.
However, a valid approach is to NOT study the method, but to rely on seeing the treble making 4ths and reacting accordingly.
The benefit of this approach is that it enables the discipline of watching for the position of the treble at all times.
Little Bob is frequently spliced with Plain Bob to give short courses. Plain Bob / Little Bob / Plain Bob brings up rounds after 40 rows.