Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Treble B. Minor

Table Sections

Tabular Index to the 147 Regular Treble Dodging Minor Methods.

  Treble Dodging Minor - Coldstream Surprise

Coldstream Surprise Minor

About Coldstream Surprise Minor

Coldstream is a simple fontwork variation of Lincoln Surprise Minor, but with the 56 Sections having the X12X replaced by 12X12.

As with Lincoln Surprise Minor, each 3-4 and 5-6 section has place notation X12X, and both 4-5 cross-sections and the half lead are place notation 36.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Page Index


Method Structure.

Place Notation:
36 X 36. 14 X 12 X 36.12 X 12.36, 12, Bob 14, Single 1234.


Lincoln Surprise Minor change rows with grid

Diagram: Coldstream Surprise Minor, plain lead, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
The 1-2 section with backward hunting in 3-4-5-6 places needs close attention to get the backward thirds places crisp.

The pivot bell is 3rds place bell, and the parted pair, 2nds and 5ths place bells work together in 1-2 for the whole lead. The half-lead coursing pair (4ths and 6ths place bells) cross over in 4-5.


Learning Coldstream Surprise Minor.

The Structure

The structure is incorporated in the description above.

The Rules

Coldstream Surprise Minor - the rule
Ring London S. over Westminster S. but with the Allendale S. variation when treble is dodging in 5-6.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Coldstream Surprise Minor, 1-2

Coldstream Surprise Minor on 1-2

Diagram: Coldstream Surprise Minor, 1-2.


Coldstream Surprise Minor, 3-4

Coldstream Surprise Minor on 3-4

Diagram: Coldstream Surprise Minor, 3-4.


Coldstream Surprise Minor, 5-6

Coldstream Surprise Minor on 5-6

Diagram: Coldstream Surprise Minor, 5-6.

Place Notation


See London S Minor for notes on ringing London above the treble.

Place Notation and Grid

Unless you are ringing by the rules (see above), both grid and place notation are relevant to learning and ringing Coldstream Surprise Minor.


The method is too complex to chop into elements.


Ringing Coldstream Surprise Minor.

Track the treble

Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods, and a significant help in ringing Coldstream Surprise Minor. Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the techniques section.

Positional Awareness

  • The only way for a working bell to enter 1-2 is by passing the treble 3-2 at the 2-3 cross-section.
  • The only way for a working bell to leave 1-2 is by passing the treble 2-3.
  • Apart from the 1-2 section, the work in 3-4-5-6 is treble bob hunting.
  • 3-4 pair dodge together 4 times in the plain course
  • 5-6 never dodge together in the plain course

Place Notation Elements

The method only contains 5 elements (36X36, 14, 12, 12X12, 36), the backward hunting blocks above the treble might be new territory.

Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts

  • Pivot bell is 3rds place bell (NB Fishtails).
  • Pivot for 3-4 pair is the 2-5 lead which includes the long frontwork, a classic staging post (handrail).
  • Pivot for 5-6 pair is the cross-over in 4-5

Awareness of other bells

Coldstream Surprise Minor demands total concentration on the method structure, awareness of the work of the other bells comes automatically.

Coursing Order in Coldstream Surprise Minor

Coldstream is unhelpful re coursing order.

If you are working towards performances of Coldstream S, the following notes should be useful.

  • Pivot bell is 3rds place bell, using the coursing order circle for Minor:
  • The parted pair work together in 1-2
  • The coursing pair make 3rds under the treble, either side of the pivot bell, but in reverse order
  • The coursing pair cross over in 4-5 at the half lead

Ringing the Method

The difficulties in Coldstream Surprise stem from:

  • Backward hunting above the treble and in particular at the lead end. There is no comforting dodge to mark the place bells.
  • Potential confusion between 2nds place bell and 5ths place bell in the long frontwork.

It seems that ringing purely by the grid structure (or place notation) is too mentally demanding to be sustainable and a more comprehensive visual approach is needed. Our suggestion is to use both grid structure and double blue lines for the 1-2 section, but note carefully that the transition into and out of backward leading takes place (points) as the treble passes through 4ths place.

The Rules

Coldstream Surprise Minor:
Ring Lincoln Surprise with Allendale Surprise frontwork.


Bobs and Singles.

Running in and out at the bob is more intuitive than making the 4ths and turning round to hunt out to the back.

All the bells make places and reflect back down the blue line.


Touches of Coldstream Surprise Minor.

3rds place bell is the pivot bell, and hence the first lead end is 156342 giving calling positions from the tenor as:
4ths, In, Wrong, Before, Home.

Complib has over 80 compositions for Coldstream, however, only one of these is pure Coldstream. Use bobs only touches of Double Bob Minor
to give double the length of Coldstream.