Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Stage Index

  Ringing Methods - Minor

Minor Methods Index

Work hard to achieve mastery of Plain Bob Minor. Further cardinal methods should be taken to at least performance standard.

The following methods are condensed from the full list given under each category.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Minor Categories

Minor Methods by category


Plain Bob Minor is simply the foundation stone for all that follows.


For variety, interest, and broadening of skills such as keeping track of the treble, and ringing 6ths place methods, aim for performances of the following:

Stepping Stones

These methods are good practice pieces in preparation for learning Kent T.B., and Oxford T.B.:

These methods are good centre pieces leading to other surprise methods:


These extra methods are included for variety.