Bastow Little Bob
Bastow Little Bob is a "stepping stone" placed between Plain Bob and Kent Treble Bob.
Bastow Little Bob enables practise at ringing the hunting and dodging work of Kent Treble Bob and Oxford Treble Bob without the complexity of Kent or Oxford places.
Whilst double blue line information is included below, and Bastow Little Bob can be spliced with Special Alliance Methods to be rung in a 720.
However, it is not expected that Bastow Little Bob will be rung for any other reason than to gain skill for ringing Kent or Oxford Treble Bob.
Place Notation: X12, 16, Bob 14, Single 1456
Bastow - the rules
The treble alternately makes second place and then leads again.
When the treble makes seconds place, the bells in 3-4 and 5-6 dodge together.
When the treble leads, 6ths place is made, and the bells in 2-3-4-5 plain hunt.
The Plain Course of Bastow is just 20 changes long.
Diagram: Bastow Little Bob Minor, plain course, change-rows and grid.
As a stepping stone into Treble Bob, Bastow Little Bob is a good introduction.
The work of the treble resembles the work of the slow bell in Oxford and Kent,
and the work of the other bells resembles the easy part of Treble Bob Hunting.
Ringing Bastow
When a band is progressing beyond Plain Bob, Bastow is a fun method with a serious purpose.
For the five working bells, the method is pure treble bob hunting except at lead where it is a simple plain lead.
Diagram: Bastow Little Bob Minor, the pairs.
For 3-4, and 5-6, Bastow crams all the dodging work of Plain Bob into only 20 change rows.