Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

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  Plain Minor - An Overview


The transition from ringing Plain Bob Minor to ringing Treble Bob and Surprise methods is quite a jump to achieve all in one step. These plain methods create interest for their own sake and also enable early practise at ringing some of the structures encountered in Treble Bob, Delight and Surprise methods.

Crucially, these methods introduce the aspiring handbell ringer to the vital skills of following the position of the treble, and associating with that position the work of the method.

The relative simplicity of the methods enable them to be captured as a "rule" for ringing the method, these rules become the building blocks of harder methods.

"Variety is the spice of life". These methods are enjoyable to ring in their own right, and present their own challenges mainly because of the fluid nature of the path of the treble. Several methods are described:

The groups of methods gradually increase in structural complexity, thereby enabling practise at a large portion of the Place Notation elements.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells


Plain Bob Group

College Group

Court Places Group

Stepping Stones

The progress from the Plain Bob Group through the College Group and into Court Places Group gives increasing emphasis on the handbell ringer's ability to track the treble whilst increasing the range of Place Notation elelments which have been mastered.

The stepping stones are there as additional challenges before ringing the harder Treble Bob Methods.



Mastery of Plain Bob is a bedrock aspiration.


Progress towards the harder methods is greatly helped by thorough learning of the various skills such as keeping track of the treble. Hence various essential methods are also listed

Stepping Stones

The following methods are also listed as an aid towards progress from Plain to Treble Bob


The following methods are also listed for variety.


Learning Techniques

Plain Bob Group

Methods incorporate Plain Hunting and Plain Bob Dodging, but memorised by the method rules.

College Group

The method rules define the structure.

Court Places Group

Methods rules are integrated with structure (court places) in relation to the position of the treble.

Stepping Stones

Methods incorporate Plain Hunting and Plain Bob Dodging, but memorised by the (fairly simple) method rules.


Ringing Techniques

Plain Bob Group

Increasing use of the treble as a guide to the (fairly simple) work.

College Group

Key skills: Dodging in 1-2, identifying thirds place, structural counting. A technique needs to be identified and adopted for ensuring that dodges in 1-2 are performed rhythmically and accurately, and trip free.

Court Places Group

Using the movement of the treble to define the method structure to define the work of a pair of bells .

Stepping Stones

In Bastow and Kent Little, use the treble in a manner similar to the slow bell in Kent and Oxford Treble Bob. Childwall and Thelwall give a first insight to leading wrong.