Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Plain Minor

The Plain Bob Group


  Plain Minor - Little Bob

Little Bob Minor

About Little Bob Minor

Little Bob Minor is closely akin to Plain Bob, the difference being that the path of the treble is curtailed at 4ths place. It is an enjoyable method to ring, but for inclusion in a 720 it needs to be spliced with an Alliance class of method in order to include the rows where the treble is in 5ths and 6ths places. We have not yet dealt with such methods on this website.

Little Bob Minor can readily be spliced with Plain Bob and or Double Bob to give touches in a variety of lengths up to 480 changes.

The great value in ringing Little Bob Minor lies in the way it encourages ringers to be aware of the position of the treble.

Further value is gained from the way that Little Bob Minor changes the hunting pattern at almost every half lead; this encourages good concentration. This aspect of Little Bob extends to the higher stages, and is helpful as an introduction to some of the patterns encountered in ringing Surprise Major Mathods.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells


Text Only:


Goals and learning approach

What you are trying to achieve needs to drive your approach. There is much enjoyment, and a great deal of skills learning involved in Little Bob.

Basic ringing and skills.

Do not memorise the lines, learn the rules, get stuck in, ring, and watch the treble to know when to dodge. It all happens very quickly.

Performance Level

Build on Plain Bob experience, but note how fast the hunting patterns change. Study the lines.
Practice a lot.

Method Mastery Level

It's better to master Plain Bob and allow those skills to cover Little Bob.


Little Bob Minor is a subset of Plain Bob, but the 4ths place made by the treble introduces an extra pair of dodges in 5-6.

Method Structure.

Place Notation:
X 16 X 14, 12, Bob 14, Single 1234.


Little Bob Minor by change rows and a picture

Diagram: Little Bob Minor, plain lead, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
The Plain Course contains 40 changes which are also found in Plain Bob. The method is quite fluid, and compared with Plain Bob is more busy as the treble's half lead creates numerous changes in hunting pattern.


Learning Little Bob Minor.

The Structure

Structurally, the method has bite sized chunks of Plain Hunting, rapid fire dodges at the back (always dodge - lie - dodge), and plain hunting under the treble. But it is best to attempt to ring Little Bob as a rules extension of Plain Bob.

The Rules

Little Bob: The rules
Ring plain hunting except:
When treble reaches 4ths place, it makes 4ths and the bells in 5-6 dodge.
When treble leads, 2nds place is made and the bells in 3-4 and 5-6 dodge.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Little Bob Minor, 1-2

Little Bob on 1-2

Diagram: Little Bob Minor, 1-2.


Little Bob Minor, 3-4

Little Bob on 3-4

Diagram: Little Bob Minor, 3-4.


Little Bob Minor, 5-6

Little Bob on 5-6

Diagram: Little Bob Minor, 5-6.

Place Notation


The only new blue line feature worth noting is the (mandatory) dodge - lie - dodge.

Place Notation and Grid

Place Notation is not relevant to learning very simply structured plain methods. The grid is not relevant to learning very simply structured plain methods.


Pictels are not relevant to learning very simply structured plain methods.


Ringing Little Bob Minor.

Track the treble

Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods, and a significant help in ringing Little Bob Minor. Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the techniques section.

In Little Bob Minor the half leads seem to come thick and fast, and when it's not the half lead it's the lead end!.

Positional Awareness

The 4ths place half lead with the consequential dodge in 5-6 forces a handbell ringer to be more aware of 5ths and 6ths than when ringing plain bob.

Place Notation Elements

The method only contains 4 elements (X, 12, 16, 14), all of which will already have been rung.

Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts

Pivot Leads

Pivot bell is the 4.
1-2 pivot when 2 leads at the half lead.
3-4 pivot when they cross in 2-3.
5-6 pivot when they dodge together in 5-6 behind trbl;e in 4ths place.

Double Place Bells for Lead End 164523

1-2, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-6, 1-2
3-4, 6-3, 2-6, 5-2, 4-5, 3-4
5-6, 2-4, 5-3, 4-6, 3-2, 5-6
It is worth while taking the time to be aware of Place Bell sequences in Little Bob, especially in preparation for other methods with the same lead end.

There is little chance to relax in Little Bob Minor.

Awareness of other bells

The busy nature of Little Bob gives little time for the novice to think about other bells.

Coursing Order in Little Bob Minor

Like Plain Bob, Little Bob is pure natural coursing order.

Conductors often use the "running out bell" as a confiirmation of making a call. This still applies in Little Bob, but you have only a couple of rows in which to spot the bell coming down in front of the treble. Try it, it's valuable training.

Ringing the Method

Little Bob Minor gives valuable practice at watching the treble, and leads to an enhanced awareness of combined hunting 1-2-3-4 and dodging in 5-6.


Bobs and Singles.

Bobs and Singles in Little Bob are identical to Bobs and Singles in Plain Bob.


Touches of Little Bob Minor

Touches of Little Bob are also rung in a similar manner to Plain Bob, but the extent on 6 (720 changes) cannot be rung in Little Bob as the method does not include any rows where the treble is in 5ths or 6th place. Little Bob can be rung as part of an extent but only be “splicing” it in with a method where the treble plain hunts between 1st and 4th places and then dodges both ways in 5-6. Such methods are not included in this site.

4ths place bell is the pivot bell, and hence the first lead end is 164523 giving calling positions from the tenor as:
Before, Wrong, In, 4ths, Home.

1: 16 Little Bob Minor

16 Little Bob Minor - Two consecutive bobs

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 23456 53246 16

Abel Code

3 H

This is the shortest possible touch, two consecutive bobs, bell no. 4 makes both of the bobs.

2: 32 Little Bob Minor

32 Little Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Single 32456 52346 16
Bob Single 23456 53246 16

Abel Composition Code

2 (3 H )

This can be called by the pattern: Bob, Single, Bob, Single.

3: 80 Little Bob Minor

80 Little Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 45236 35426 40
Bob Bob 23456 53246 40

Abel Composition Code

2 (W H )

This is the classical 2 course touch; it can be extended to 4, 6, 8 or 12 courses as per Plain Bob.

4: 240 Little Bob Minor

240 Little Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 45236 35426 40
Bob 34256 54326 40

Abel Composition Code

3 (W H W)

3 part

This is the classical 6 course touch; it can be extended to 12 by use of singles as per touch 5.

5: 480 Little Bob Minor

480 Little Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 45236 35426 40
Bob 34256 54326 40
Bob Bob 25346 45236 40
Bob 42356 52436 40
Bob Bob 35426 25346 40
Bob Single 24356 54236 40

Abel Composition Code

2 (W H W W H W W H W SH)

6: 600 Spliced Plain & Little Bob Minor

600 Spliced Plain & Little Bob Minor

In composition 5 above, ring Little Bob until the first single, then change to Plain Bob. This gives 240 Little Bob and 360 Plain making 600.