Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Treble Bob Minor

Table Sections

Tabular Index to the 147 Regular Treble Dodging Minor Methods.

  Treble Dodging Minor - Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

About Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor - Complib

Duke of Norfolk is a 2nds place Lead End Variation of Sandal Treble Bob, which in itself is a Half Lead variant on Oxford Treble Bob Minor.

The great value in this method is that it can be described by rules based on Oxford T.B., and hence it can be used to develop Track the Treble skills. The Half Lead work in 3-4 can be used to develop Structured Counting skills.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Page Index


Method Structure.

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor is structurally identical with Sandal Treble Bob apart from the lead end.

Place Notation:
X 34 X 16 X 12 X 16 X 12 X 56, 12, Bob 14, Single 1234.


Duke of Norfolk TB change rows with grid

Diagram: Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, plain lead, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
Most of this method is pure Oxford Treble Bob in structure. The remaining portion has a disproportionate impact on the blue lines, and the feel of the method.


Goals and learning approach

What you are trying to achieve needs to drive your approach.

Ringing by structure

If you are ringing Duke of Norfolk T.B. to gain the skill of associating method structure with the work of the treble (valid goal), DO NOT learn the lines, learn the structure, ring, make mistakes and learn from them. Track-the Treble skills, Place Notation skills, coursing order skills can all be developed in this manner

Performance Level

If you are wishing to achieve 720s, Quarter Peals, or a full Peal:
start with the structural ringing as above, develop your skill until awareness of the treble is automatic.
Imprint the double place bell sequences as a step to being able to survive trips.
Add in the bits that are natural to you.
Study the lines.
Practice a lot.
Achieve some performances .

Method Mastery Level

It is unusual for a band to wish to achieve mastery in a method like Duke of Norfolk.


Learning Duke of Norfolk.

The Structure

Learning Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor after Sandal Treble Bob is deceptively easy, just a 2nds over the treble at the lead end, and a couple of dodges instead of plain hunting.

The Rules

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor - the rules
Ring Oxford Treble Bob until the treble lies behind.
When the Treble lies behind, 5ths place is made, and the bells in 1-2, and 3-4 dodge.
When the Treble leads 2nds place is made, and the bells in 3-4, and in 5-6 dodge.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 1-2

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor on 1-2

Diagram: Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 1-2.


Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 3-4

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor on 3-4

Diagram: Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 3-4.


Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 5-6

Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor on 5-6

Diagram: Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor, 5-6.

Place Notation


The challenges of Sandal are all present but the lead end is made easier by more static work.

Place Notation and Grid

The pictorial grid emphasises the structure of the method better than the Place Notation.


As with Oxford Treble Bob Minor, the rules are a good approach to the method, and splitting into individual elements is of no value.


Ringing Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor.

Track the treble

Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods, and is the major key to ringing Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor. Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the techniques section.

The skill of following the treble that is used in ringing Oxford Treble Bob is brought into Sandal Treble Bob, and hence into Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor so that as the treble dodges in 5-6 up, the ringers can be fully aware of the positions of their bells in preparation for the half lead dodge, and crucially for the work that follows.

Awareness of the treble approaching the lead is important for Duke of Norfolk to be ready for the lead-end dodges.

Positional Awareness

As with Sandal Treble Bob Minor Duke of Norfolk aids the development of awareness of 1-2, vs 3-4.

Place Notation Elements

The method only contains 5 elements (X, 12, 16, 34, 56), all of which will already have been rung.

Double Place Bells

164523 LE 12: Little Bob; Duke of Norfolk T.B.

1-2:1-2, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-6, 1-2
3-4:3-4, 6-3, 2-6, 5-2, 4-5, 3-4
5-6:6-5, 2-4, 5-3, 4-6, 3-2, 6-5 :

Pivot Leads

Pivot bell, is 4ths Place Bell.
For 3-4 pair, the pivot point is when the pair dodges together in 1-2.
For 5-6 pair, the pivot point is when they triple dodge together in 3-4 under the treble.

Staging posts (a.k.a. Handrails)

For 1-2 and 3-4 pairs, there is little time to rest.
For 5-6 pair, the half-lead 3-pull in 3-4 is a momentary break.

Awareness of other bells

Most ringers on encountering Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob find it quite tricky to ring well, and have little spare mental capacity for considering other bells. Duke of Norfolk is slightly easier at the lead end than Sandal TB.

Coursing Order in Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob

The Oxford places and half lead structure make coursing order quite difficult to apply to Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob. Nevertheless, start with:

  • 2nds place bell makes seconds (when treble is in 3-4 up) over its course bell (3rds place bell) and then leads again.
  • Then its afterbell (4ths place bell) does dodge-lie-dodge-5ths-dodge-lie-dodge.
  • As the afterbell is starting the backwork, the bell after the afterbell (6ths place bell) comes down to the front (just as it does in Oxford TB) to work with the 2nds place bell, both bells ringing far-dodge-near across the Half Lead.
  • 2nds place bell then leaves the front and 6ths place bell works with its afterbell (5ths place bell) as treble returns to ring 3-4 down.


  • As per Oxford Treble Bob, 6ths place bell and 5ths place bell Treble Bob hunt down in natural coursing order, 6 before 5.
  • As 6 starts far dodge near on the front, 5 does the 3-pull dodge with its after-bell, 3rds place bell.
  • 5ths place bell continues on to the front as noted above, while 3rds place bell passes the treble 4-5 and goes into the "Oxford above" region.

Ringing the Method

The great benefit of ringing Duke of Norfolk TB is that both the rules and the structure are easy to follow, and without lengthy study, the method demands that the ringers follow the treble.


Bobs and Singles.

Bobs The plain lead end is 12 and the bob as a 14 seems much more "natural", somewhat similar to Oxford Bob Minor.

Singles Singles are rarely used in Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor.


Touches of Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor.

4ths place bell is the pivot bell, and hence the first lead end is 164523 giving calling positions from the tenor as:
Before, Wrong, In, 4ths, Home.

1: 48 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

48 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor - Two consecutive bobs

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 23456 53246 16

Abel Code

3 H

This is the shortest possible touch, two consecutive bobs, bell no. 4 makes both of the bobs.

2: 240 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

240 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 45236 35426 40
Bob Bob 23456 53246 40

Abel Composition Code

2 (W H )

This is the classical 2 course touch; it can be extended to 6 courses as per Touch 3.

3: 720 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

720 Duke of Norfolk Treble Bob Minor

Before Wrong In 4ths Home 23456 53246 Changes

Bob Bob 45236 35426 40
Bob 34256 54326 40

3 part

Abel Composition Code

3 (W H W)