Ringing Trinity Sunday Treble Bob Minor.
Track the treble
Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods,
and is the major key to ringing Trinity Sunday Treble Bob Minor.
Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the
The close relationship between Kent Treble Bob and Trinity Sunday Treble Bob makes Trinity Sunday into a valuable method for tracking the treble.
Positional Awareness
Trinity Sunday Treble Bob Minor does not demand any increase in positional awareness.
Place Notation Elements
The method only contains 6 elements (36x36, X, 12, 16, 34, 36).
Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts
The pivot bell is 4, hence the lead ends (Lead Heads for the purists) present themselves in Little Bob order.
For 3-4 pair, the pivot point is when they dodge together in 1-2 at the Half Lead.
For 5-6 pair, the pivot point is when they cross over in 4-5 at the Half Lead.
Awareness of other bells
Trinity Sunday Treble Bob is slightly harder than Kent Treble Bob; the loss of the slow bell does demand close awareness of the position of the treble.
In return, the treble acts as the guide for
structured counting
of the three-pull dodges.
Coursing Order in Trinity Sunday Treble Bob.
Natural coursing order applies above the trebe.
Below the treble, the key bell is the pivot bell; either side of the pivot bell, the bells work in 1-2.
The coursing pair make thirds either side of the Half Lead.
Ringing the Method
The great benefit of ringing Trinity Sunday Treble Bob is that both the structure is easy to follow without lengthy study, and ringing the method is simplified by tracking the treble.