Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Treble Bob Minor

Table Sections

Tabular Index to the 147 Regular Treble Dodging Minor Methods.

  Treble Dodging Minor - Cotswold Treble Bob

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor

About Cotswold Treble Bob Minor

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor is the first method in a class which has backward hunting above the treble. Cotswold incorporates the maximum amount of Plain Hunting below the treble.

6ths place bell is the pivot bell and with the 2nds place lead end, the calling sequence for 6ths observation is as per Plain Bob.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Page Index


Method Structure.

Place Notation:
36X34.16 X 12 X 16 X 14 X 16, 12, Bob 14, Single 1234.


Cotswold Treble Bob Minor change rows with grid

Diagram: Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, plain lead, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
This method has Plain Bob Lead End order.


Goals and learning approach

What you are trying to achieve needs to drive your approach.

Ringing by structure

If you are ringing Burton to gain the skill of associating method structure with the work of the treble (valid goal), DO NOT learn the lines, learn the structure, ring, make mistakes and learn from them. Track-the Treble skills, Place Notation skills, coursing order skills can all be developed in this manner

Performance Level

If you are wishing to achieve 720s, Quarters, or peals:
start with the structural ringing as above, add in the bits that are natural to you.
Study the lines.
Practice a lot.
Achieve some performances .

Method Mastery Level

It is unusual for a band to wish to achieve mastery in a method like Cotswold.


Learning Cotswold Treble Bob Minor.

The Structure

Learning Cotswold Treble Bob Minor after Rochester and Burton Treble Bob is an interesting challenge, the difficulties lie with the 1-2 section which needs to be learned in detail.

The Rules

Cotswold is too complex to be defined in a simple rule.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 1-2

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor on 1-2

Diagram: Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 1-2.


Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 3-4

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor on 3-4

Diagram: Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 3-4.


Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 5-6

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor on 5-6

Diagram: Cotswold Treble Bob Minor, 5-6.

Place Notation


Place Notation and Grid

The pictorial grid emphasises the structure of the method better than the Place Notation.


Splitting into individual elements is of no value.


Ringing Cotswold Treble Bob Minor.

Track the treble

Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods, and is the major key to ringing Cotswold Treble Bob Minor. Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the techniques section.

Positional Awareness

Cotswold Treble Bob Minor aids the development of awareness of turning round in 4ths uder the treble.

Place Notation Elements

The method contains 5 elements (36X24, 12, 14, 16), of which 36x34 is new.

Double Place Bells

135264 LE 12: Plain Bob; Morning Star T.B.; Westminster S.

1-2: 1-2, 1-4, 1-6, 1-5, 1-3, 1-2
3-4: 3-4, 2-6, 4-5, 6-3, 5-2, 3-4
5-6: 6-5, 5-3, 3-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-5

Pivot Leads

6ths Place Bell is the pivot bell.

For 3-4 pair, the pivot point is when the pair cross in 2-3.
For 5-6 pair, the pivot point is when they cross in 4-5.

Staging posts (a.k.a. Handrails)

Tricky above the treble, fluid below, and there is little time to rest.

Awareness of other bells

Coursing Order in Cotswold Treble Bob Minor

Natural coursing order is preserved in 1-2-3-4 when treble is in 5-6, with pure coursing order at the Half Lead..

Ringing the Method

The tricky nature of the work above the treble combined with the fluidity below demands high levels of concentration.


Bobs and Singles.

Bobs replace the 2nds place at the Lead End with 4ths. This causes the bell that has just made point 6ths to make the bob and become 4ths place bell.

Singles Singles are rarely used in Cotswold Treble Bob Minor.


Touches of Cotswold Treble Bob Minor.

Bobs only touches of Plain Bob will work for Cotswold TB.