Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Treble B. Minor

Table Sections

Tabular Index to the 147 Regular Treble Dodging Minor Methods.

  Treble Dodging Minor - Cunecastre Surprise

Cunecastre Surprise Minor

About Cunecastre Surprise Minor

Cunecastre joins London Surprise above the treble with Cambridge Surprise below the treble, but introduces 3rds place at the half lead. This "below the treble" work is also found in Annable's London Surprise, and Netherseale Surprise.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Page Index


Method Structure.

Place Notation:
36 X 36. 14 X 12 X 36 X 14 X 36, 12, Bob 14, Single 1234.


Cunecastre Surprise Minor change rows with grid

Diagram: Cunecastre Surprise Minor, plain lead, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
The "London above" brings 6ths place bell down to dodge in 3-4 with the treble. That bell then makes 3-4 places and becomes the pivot bell by making 3rds at the Half Lead. With 6 being the pivot bell the first Lead End becomes 135264, and the Lead End Sequence for the course is as per Plain Bob.


Learning Cunecastre Surprise Minor.

The Structure

The work above the treble is pure London which demands respect and careful learning.

The method structure once the treble has finished dodging in 3-4 is an alternation of 4-bell hunting boxes or cages, 3-6, 1-4, 3-6, 1-4, 3-6. In the 3-6 boxes, treble is either hunting or making 6ths at the half lead. When 1-4 is made treble is first dodging 5-6 up and then 5-6 down

The temptation is to dismiss the work under the treble as merely Cambridge with 3rds at the Half Lead; whilst the statement is factually correct, the 3rds place half lead pretty much eliminates any feeling of ringing Cambridge.

The Rules

Cunecastre Surprise Minor - the rules
Ring London Surprise above the treble and Annable's London Surprise below the treble.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 1-2

Cunecastre Surprise Minor on 1-2

Diagram: Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 1-2.

Points to note:

  • The Place Bell sequence is as per Plain Bob: 2, 4, 6, 5, 3.


Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 3-4

Cunecastre Surprise Minor on 3-4

Diagram: Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 3-4.

Suggested approach.

  • The double place bells are as per Plain bob:
    3-4 2-6, 2-6 4-5, 4-5 6-3, 6-3 5-2, 5-2 3-4.
  • The pivot bell (6ths place bell) rings the "crankshaft" that links the treble's 3-4 dodges.
  • The work for 2-5 to become 3-4 to become 2-6, includes the only times 3-4 dodge together, and has strong visual properties.


Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 5-6

Cunecastre Surprise Minor on 5-6

Diagram: Cunecastre Surprise Minor, 5-6.

5-6 pair is as hard to ring as 3-4. Suggested approach.

  • The double place bells are as per Plain bob:
    6-5 5-3, 5-3 3-2, 3-2 2-4, 2-4 4-6, 4-6 6-5.
  • The only time 5-6 dodge together is at the half-way point.

Place Notation


The most useful artefact is the crankshaft of 6ths place bell.

Place Notation and Grid

Use the grid as the primary guide to places made, which in turn gives dodging and hunting work.


Familiarity with Cambridge is a good preparation for "Annable's London below"; pictels are described there.


Ringing London Surprise Minor.

Track the treble

Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods, and a significant help in ringing London Surprise Minor. Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the techniques section.

In Cunecastre Surprise Minor the work above the treble is London. Hard, but rewarding. The work below the treble is even more fluid than in Cambridge.

Positional Awareness

The method is a way of getting into ringing "London above".

Place Notation Elements

The method only contains 5 elements (36X36, 14, 12, 36).

Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts

The Plain Bob place bell sequence for 5-6 is very helpful.
The crankshaft of 6ths place bell is a staging post (aka handrail).
At the halfway point, 2 is the pivot bell (of course), the coursing pair 5-6 dodge together in 1-2, and 3-4 cross with each other in 4-5.

Awareness of other bells

Build some experience ringing plain courses, use your experience of Cambridge, and build up awareness of the work of the other bells from what you can see easily.

Coursing Order in Cunecastre Surprise Minor

Coursing Order in Cunecastre Surprise Minor is a mess.

Ringing the Method

Our suggestion is to concentrate on using the grid structure to begin with, and hence to generate your own preferred approach.


Bobs and Singles.

Running in and out at the bob is more intuitive than making the 4ths and turning round to hunt out to the back.

All the bells make places and reflect back down the blue line.


Touches of Cunecastre Surprise Minor.

Use bobs only touches of Plain Bob..