Ringing Conisborough Delight Minor.
Track the treble
Awareness of the position of the treble is a key skill for most bellringing methods,
and a significant help in ringing Conisborough Delight Minor.
Some hints and tips for developing the skill are given in the
The 1-2 and 3-4 sections are pure Oxford TB.
The most difficult part of Conisborough are the transitions into and out of the backward hunting across the Half Lead.
Positional Awareness
Location 3rds and 4ths for the pointy work can be tricky.
Place Notation Elements
The method only contains X, 34, 16, 12, 12X14, 56.
Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts
4ths place bell is the pivot bell, see notes above.
164523 LE 12: Little Bob; Duke of Norfolk T.B.
1-2:1-2, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-6, 1-2
3-4:3-4, 6-3, 2-6, 5-2, 4-5, 3-4
5-6:6-5, 2-4, 5-3, 4-6, 3-2, 6-5 :
Awareness of other bells
The x34x when treble is dodging in 5-6 should be noted and used.
Coursing Order in Conisborough Delight Minor
Natural Coursing Order is compromised by the “Oxford above” nature of the work above the treble.
However, there is much natural coursing order below the treble.
Coursing pair 5-6 work and stay close together including the points and backward hunting, and 2-3 are a reflection of this.
Natural Coursing order is also evident in the bells in 4ths place under the treble.
Ringing the Method
(Notes to follow)