Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Major Methods Index


  Principles, for eight bells

Duffield Major

About Duffield

Duffield is included on this site for three reasons,
a) It is a fairly simple principle worth ringing for its simplicity.
b) The Plain Course has an intrigueing structure and interesting music.
c) It's "different".

BellBoard only shows just 5 handbell performances of Duffield (Search date: 5th November, 2023).

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells


Duffield Major is essentially Double dodging in 1-2 and 7-8, and hunting between in 3-4-5-6, all linked up with a 18 hunting box.

Method Structure.

Place Notation:
x36x16x18, Bob 16, Single 1678.


Duffield Major change rows with grid

Diagram: Duffield Major, first section, change-rows and grid.

Plain Course structure
There are eight working bells, and for handbells four different pair positions, 1-2, 2-3, 4-5 and 1-6. The plain course work is characterised by the pairs doing identical work from their different starting points, and by the symmetry of 1-2 versus 7-8, and 3-4 versus 5-6.

The Hull handbells Project claims no expertise nor muxh experience of ringing Duffield, just sheer delight in ringing the plain course.


Learning Duffield Major.

The Structure

This is a method to ring by the grid.

Double Blue Lines
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

Double Blue Lines

Duffield Major, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8

Duffield Major, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, the three patterns Duffield Major, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, the three patterns

Diagram: Duffield Major, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, The plain course patterns.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Duffield Major, 1-6,

Duffield Major, 1-6, the three patterns Duffield Major, 1-6, the three patterns

Diagram: Duffield Major, 1-6.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Duffield Major, 2-3,

Duffield Major, 2-3 Duffield Major, 2-3

Diagram: Duffield Major, 2-3.

Double Blue Lines

Double Blue Lines

Duffield Major, 4-5,

Duffield Major, 4-5 Duffield Major, 4-5

Diagram: Duffield Major, 4-5.

Place Notation


Double dodging front and back, and a pair of 3-6 boxes in the middle

Place Notation and Grid

The method structure is so simple that the Place Notation and the griud are iunseparable.


We thought the 3-6 boxes might help with ringing Double Norwich. We were wrong, in DNCB the treble is always present inside a hunting box, not so in Duffield.


Ringing Duffield Major.

The Plain Course is delightful to ring, we can't speak for the touches

Duffield Major does not have a fixed hunt bell, there is no anchor. Hence tracking the treble is not relevant.

Positional Awareness

Duffield Major provides good practice at seeing 3rds and 6ths.

Place Notation Elements

The method only contains 2 elements (X, 36).

Place Bells, Pivot Leads, and Staging posts

Watch this space.

Awareness of other bells

Coursing Order in Duffield Major

Watch this space.

Ringing the Method

Duffield Major takes you out of the comfort zone of a hunt bell.


Bobs and Singles.

Bobs and singles

Duffield Major - structure of calls

Diagram: Duffield Major, Calls

Calling positions using tenor as the observation bell:

Duffield Major - Calling positions

Duffield Major - Calling positions

Diagram: Duffield Major, Calling Positions


Touches of Duffield Major.

Complib has 95 compositions for Duffield Major

The following touches can be used to progressively expand the envelope of experience. Each touch is published on the complib website and the link is given with the touch. This enables a quick review of the overall demand that the touch makes on a handbell pair by clicking on "Handbell Positions".

Getting started on calls

96 Duffield Major.

Complib 72751

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 72751 - layout

The only pairs affected by the calls are 1-2, and 3-4. The impact on the work of the bells looks extensive but is relatively simple to ring.

Duffield Major - Calling 72751 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72751 - lines for 1-2.

Duffield Major - Calling 72751 - Blue lines for 3-4

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72751 - lines for 3-4.

Duffield Major - Calling 72751 - Blue lines for 5-6

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72751 - lines for 5-6.

Duffield Major - Calling 72751 - Blue lines for 7-8

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72751 - lines for 7-8.


96 Duffield Major.

Complib 122946

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 122946 - layout

The only pair unaffected by the calls is 5-6. Whilst technically the composition is a simple rotation of 72751, from a handbells pairs viewpoint this is a very different touch. The affected pairs have excursions into 2-3 pattern and 1-6 pattern.

Duffield Major - Calling 122946 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 122946 - lines for 1-2.

Duffield Major - Calling 122946 - Blue lines for 3-4

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 122946 - lines for 3-4.

Duffield Major - Calling 122946 - Blue lines for 5-6

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 122946 - lines for 5-6.

Duffield Major - Calling 122946 - Blue lines for 7-8

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 122946 - lines for 7-8.


96 Duffield Major.

Complib 72753

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 72753 - layout

The only pair unaffected by the calls is 7-8. Whilst technically the composition is a simple rotation of 72751, from a handbells pairs viewpoint this is a very different touch. The affected pairs have excursions into 2-3 pattern and 1-6 pattern.

Duffield Major - Calling 72753 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72753 - lines for 1-2.

Duffield Major - Calling 72753 - Blue lines for 3-4

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72753 - lines for 3-4.

Duffield Major - Calling 72753 - Blue lines for 5-6

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72753 - lines for 5-6.

2-3 and 1-6

144 Duffield Major.

Complib 123015

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 123015 - layout

1-2 has 2 courses in the 1-2 patternm and 1 course in 2-3.
3-4 has 1 course in the 1-2 pattern, 1 in 2-3 pattern and 1 in 1-6 pattern.

The pairs 5-6, and 7-8 are unaffected by the calls.

Duffield Major - Calling 123015 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123015 - lines for 1-2.

Duffield Major - Calling 123015 - Blue lines for 3-4

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123015 - lines for 3-4.

2-3 and 1-6

240 Duffield Major.

Complib 123021

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 123021 - layout

7-8 are unaffected by the calls.

The remaining pairs have a good spread of ringing the various patterns of Duffield.

Duffield Major - Calling 123021 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123021 - handbell positions.

Duffield Major - Calling 123021 - Blue lines for 1-2

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123021 - lines for 1-2.

Duffield Major - Calling 123021 - Blue lines for 3-4

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123021 - lines for 3-4.

Duffield Major - Calling 123021 - Blue lines for 5-6

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 123021 - lines for 5-6.

720 for handbells

720 Duffield Major.

Complib 72806

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 72806 - layout

Duffield Major - Calling 72806 - handbell positions

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72806 - handbell positions.

Quarter Peal for handbells

1296 Duffield Major.

Complib 72816

Composition layout:

Duffield Major - Calling 72816 - layout

Duffield Major - Calling 72816 - handbell positions

Diagram: Duffield Major, composition 72816 - handbell positions.