Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Method Ringing


Getting Started**









  Method Ringing - Getting Started

Launching a Career in Handbell Change-Ringing

If you have a sense of rhythm, a logical mind, and an endless desire to learn, Change Ringing on Handbells is definitely something you would enjoy. Have a browse, follow the links, and all will be revealed. A sense of humour is advantageous.

Change ringing on handbells is not for everyone. It is quirky, challenging, difficult, abstract in many ways, and based on a glorious mathematical triviality.

If you overcome the difficulties, a life-long love of strange music ensues.

The best way in is to join a team.

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Making Music

Making Music

Question: Why ring changes rather than play conventional music?

The physical limits of towerbells which turn a full circle, and which can weigh many hundreds of kilograms (although bellringers still work in hundredweights, quarters and pounds) preclude swift repetition of notes, therefore conventional music is impossible. Once some control had been gained over the periodicity of a towerbell, ringing sequences and changing those sequences followed. Handbell change ringers choose to work within the rules applying to towerbells.

Turning the abstract pattern into mathematical music has 4 key components:

The essential components of bellringing

Diagram: 01.01.02 The knowledge and skill categories of bellringing.

As a bellringer's skill increases, so the related theory becomes more complex, and the related techniques and skills become more extensive. Documenting these aspects of handbell change-ringing is the primary purpose of this website.

Question: How do you learn?

The information on this site is presented as a logical progression. Small steps, thorough understanding, and concerted practise in a team environment ensure progress in line with the natural talents of the learner.

Key Qualities

Question: What are the key qualities of a good learner?

  • An acute sense of rhythm
  • Motivation to succeed in spite of difficulties
  • Ability to listen in detail
  • Ability to absorb instructions and take action

As with any specialist activity there is much jargon. Our "jargon buster" is a glossary of terms, do browse the Glossary of Terms.

First Steps

First steps in Handbell Ringing

Get going
Check out what to do next with: First Steps in Handbell Ringing