Method Complexity
Complib lists seven different categorisations for any one method but most ringers (including handbell ringers) only concern themselves with whether a method is a principle (where all of the bells follow the same path)
or whether the method has a hunt bell. Our bedrock method, Plain Bob, has one hunt bell, the treble.
The most common development path for handbell ringers, with regard to method complexity on six bells, is:
Plain Bob
Related simple plain methods such as Little Bob, Double Bob, St Clement's
Easy Treble Bob methods, Kent, Oxford, Sandal.
Simple Surprise, Cambridge, Norwich, other right place surprise
Harder Surprise, York, Durham, London, Wells, Carlisle.
A similar progression will be found on 8 bells:
Plain Bob
Little Bob, St Clement's,
Kent & Oxford Treble Bob.
Cambridge and Yorkshire Surprise
London, Bristol, Glasgow and Belfast.