Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Method Ringing


Getting Started









  Method Ringing: Plain Bob

Plain Bob

Plain Bob is simply the most important method you will ever learn.

Plain Bob is introduced on this site with a separate section, this page tries to describe the significance of Plain Bob in the overall scheme, see Plain Bob for an introduction to the method.

How long does it take to learn Plain Bob?

There is no simple answer; just learn to ring, ring a quarter peal, and another until you have clocked up 1,000 courses, and then assess how much you know!

Site Sections:

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Method Ringing

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells

A set of 12 handbells
Hull Project

A set of 12 handbells

Plain Bob

Plain Bob takes the fundamental skill of Plain Hunting and with some simple changes turns it into a fully mature bellringing method.

Plain Bob is a single hunt plain method with a basic pattern of having the treble perform a fixed pattern, and the remaining bells, known as working bells performing the various permutations of work to make the method.

Where there are n bells, a division (or lead) of the method is 2n changes long, and there are n-1 divisions. In total there are 2n x (n-1) change rows in a course of the method.

In Minor, n=6, a lead is 12 changes (2 x n),, there are 5 leads (n-1) and a course is 60 changes (2n(n-1)). In Cinques, n= 11, a lead is 22 changes, and a course is 220 changes.

Plain Bob exhibits many features of bellringing found in more advanced methods, here are some to look out for as your ringing ability develops:

  • Hunting, dodging, making places
  • Calls ( bobs and singles)
  • Compositions
  • Conducting
  • Plain Bob Lead Heads
  • Parallel dodging, scissors dodging
  • Treble dominance
  • Using the treble's position as a guide to the method
  • Double line patterns
  • Place bell sequences
  • Pivot Lead
  • Natural Coursing order