Plain Bob
Plain Bob takes the fundamental skill of Plain Hunting and with some simple changes turns it into a fully mature bellringing method.
Plain Bob is a single hunt plain method with a basic pattern of having the treble perform a fixed pattern, and the remaining bells, known as working bells performing the various permutations of work to make the method.
Where there are n bells, a division (or lead) of the method is 2n changes long, and there are n-1 divisions.
In total there are 2n x (n-1) change rows in a course of the method.
In Minor, n=6, a lead is 12 changes (2 x n),, there are 5 leads (n-1) and a course is 60 changes (2n(n-1)).
In Cinques, n= 11, a lead is 22 changes, and a course is 220 changes.
Plain Bob exhibits many features of bellringing found in more advanced methods, here are some to look out for as your ringing ability develops:
- Hunting, dodging, making places
- Calls ( bobs and singles)
- Compositions
- Conducting
- Plain Bob Lead Heads
- Parallel dodging, scissors dodging
- Treble dominance
- Using the treble's position as a guide to the method
- Double line patterns
- Place bell sequences
- Pivot Lead
- Natural Coursing order