Using Place Notation - right place methods
When the external places, 1 and 6 are made from row to row, the bells between them cross over,
and the alternation of this with no places being made from row to row produces plain hunting.
The introduction of places other than 1 and 6 causes disruption to the hunting pattern and
the classic example is Plain Bob where the introduction of 2nds place against the treble making 1sts
causes the dodging in 3-4 and 5-6.
Going from this specific case to the general impact of internal places:
even numbered places (12, 14) cause dodging above the place,
odd numbered places (36, 56) cause dodging below,
34 causes dodging above and below.
Examples of Place Notation and the related method structure may be found on the pages on
Double Bob,
Treble Bob and
Cambridge Surprise.
Contiguous places
In Kent Treble Bob: 34-34.16-12-16-12,16,
the 34-34 has the same impact as -34- in Oxford T.B., i.e. the bells in 1-2 and 5-6 dodge.
Because the places are adjacent, Kent T.B. is effectively a right place method.
In Cambridge Surprise: -36-14-12-36-14-56,12,
14 and 36 each create a 4 bell cage in which the bells hunt, and when the cages are adjacent as in the first half lead
a bell hunts through each, starting in 6ths and travelling through to lead without dodging (6ths place bell, then 5ths place bell),
in the second hald lead the reverse is true, see 2nds place bell and 4ths place bell.
Using Place Notation - wrong place methods
In treble dominated methods, the path of the treble is a right place path.
When we come to methods like
London Surprise,
the working structure is mainly wrong place.
The enjoyment of ringing London then is the constant transition between wrong place hunting work,
then moving back to right place hunting to work with the treble, and then back into wrong place hunting.
This constant switching between right and wrong creates the blue line artefacts that make the method so interesting
and so different from the pure right place methods.