Group name - Hull Handbell Change Ringers

Method Ringing


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  Method Ringing - Representations

Method representations.

There are essentially three ways of writing down a method representatons:

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A set of 12 handbells

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A set of 12 handbells

Numerical Representation

The Change Rows

This is the simplest way of representing a method.

Double Bob

1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 4 3 6 5
2 4 1 6 3 5
4 2 6 1 5 3
4 6 2 5 1 3
6 4 5 2 3 1
4 6 2 5 3 1
6 4 5 2 1 3
6 5 4 1 2 3
5 6 1 4 3 2
5 1 6 3 4 2
1 5 3 6 2 4
1 5 6 3 4 2

Shorthand Representation

Place Notation

Place Notation is simply a shorthand way of defining the change rows by writing down the places in which bells remain static. Clearly, the pairs of bells that are not static change places.See Double Bob for an example.

Place Notation is a powerful representation technique, but is not often used alone as a method execution technique as it is too error prone.

As ringers progress beyond Plain Bob into more complex methods Place Notation may also be used as a memory aid whilst ringing a method.

- specifying a method on 6 bells

Place Notation - the symbols

  • " - " : all pairs of bells change over ("-" may also be written "x")
  • "12" : the bells in lead and seconds stay in lead and seconds, all other pairs change over
  • "14" : the bell at lead leads for a second blow, and the bell in 4ths rings another blow in 4ths; pairs of bells in 2-3 and 5-6 swap over
  • "16" : the bell at lead leads for a second blow, and the bell in 6ths rings another blow in 6ths; pairs of bells in 2-3 and 4-5 swap over
  • "34" : the bells in 3rds and 4ths remain in place, the pairs in 1-2 and 5-6 cross over
  • "36" : the bells in 3rds and 6ths remain in place, the pairs in 1-2 and 4-5 cross over
  • "56" : the bells in 5ths and 6ths remain in place, the pairs in 1-2 and 3-4 cross over
  • "1234" : only the bells in 5ths and 6ths places cross over
  • "1456" : only the bells in 2nds and 3rds places cross over

Contiguous places

In methods where places are made between two rows and again between the immediately following two rows, the places are written down and separated by a "period" or "full stop". Eg:
Kent Treble Bob: 34-34.16-12-16-12,16, Bob 14
London Surprise: 36-36.14-12-36.14-14.36,12, Bob 14

NB. Mathematically the "1" of 12, 14 and 16, and the "6" of 16, 36 and 56 etc is redundant as being the place made by default. This is correct, but not easy to read.

Method Symmetry

Treble dominated methods are symmetrical about the Half Lead. The place notation for the second half of the lead is a mirror image of the first half, and this is usually represented by a comma.
The Place Notation then for Plain Bob Minor is, Plain Course: -16-16-16,12, Bob: 14, Single: 1234.

Method Symmetry is a useful shorthand for defining a method, but a serious pitfall for the unwary for learning a method. Often, the memory imprint of the method from half lead to lead is weaker than the first half lead.

- ringing a method on 6 bells

Using Place Notation - right place methods

When the external places, 1 and 6 are made from row to row, the bells between them cross over, and the alternation of this with no places being made from row to row produces plain hunting. The introduction of places other than 1 and 6 causes disruption to the hunting pattern and the classic example is Plain Bob where the introduction of 2nds place against the treble making 1sts causes the dodging in 3-4 and 5-6.

Going from this specific case to the general impact of internal places:
even numbered places (12, 14) cause dodging above the place,
odd numbered places (36, 56) cause dodging below,
34 causes dodging above and below.

Examples of Place Notation and the related method structure may be found on the pages on Double Bob, Treble Bob and Cambridge Surprise.

Contiguous places

In Kent Treble Bob: 34-34.16-12-16-12,16, the 34-34 has the same impact as -34- in Oxford T.B., i.e. the bells in 1-2 and 5-6 dodge. Because the places are adjacent, Kent T.B. is effectively a right place method.

In Cambridge Surprise: -36-14-12-36-14-56,12, 14 and 36 each create a 4 bell cage in which the bells hunt, and when the cages are adjacent as in the first half lead a bell hunts through each, starting in 6ths and travelling through to lead without dodging (6ths place bell, then 5ths place bell), in the second hald lead the reverse is true, see 2nds place bell and 4ths place bell.

Using Place Notation - wrong place methods

In treble dominated methods, the path of the treble is a right place path. When we come to methods like London Surprise, the working structure is mainly wrong place. The enjoyment of ringing London then is the constant transition between wrong place hunting work, then moving back to right place hunting to work with the treble, and then back into wrong place hunting.

This constant switching between right and wrong creates the blue line artefacts that make the method so interesting and so different from the pure right place methods.

Method Grid

Visual Representation

The Method Grid

If we write out ("prick" out) the changes for one lead of a method, and join together all the numbers 1, then 2, etc., the resulting picture is the method grid. Traditionally the treble is coloured in red, and the tenor in blue.

Double bob change rows and grid

Diagram: 6p.02 Double Bob Minor - Place Notation, change rows, and grid.

The grid is a useful memory aid for methods beyond Plain Bob.