Inspiration by Shonaleigh

Hull Storytellers



Jan: Meeting
Feb: Made in Hull
Mar: World Stories
Apr: Training Day
Apr: Meeting
May: Walking Festival
Jun: Dreamtime
Jul: Revolution
Aug: Plotting
Sep: Freedom Festival
Sep: Plotting
Oct: Shonaleigh
Nov: AGM / Stories
Nov: Battered & Berthed

March 2017 - World Stories

The story club met for an evening "chez Boury".

Elaine - Norway

Askelan (or Ashlad) wins the Princess by way of a dead magpie.

Roslyn - Norway

A lad captures the devil in a walnut and the blacksmith is blown sky high when he smashes it with a sledgehammer. He feels the devil must have been in the nut!

Julie (V) - Scandanavian – Saami land/Artic circle

The Mother’s Tarn – the story of Nastai, of the Samai people in Northern Scandanavia and how she survives with nothing but a piece of yarn to help her.

Cath - Myanmar

Four puppets – Aung sets out to seek his fortune. His father gives him four puppet companions. Wisdom, Strength, Sorcerer and goodness. He learns the hard way strength and knowledge should always give way to wisdom and goodness.

Steve - Maori

The Basket of Eeels – The kids ate the lizard Gods eels. The lizard ate the kids. All ends badly. Lizard (god) denied breakfast = hungry and angry. Hangry?

Andrea - African/American Folktale/ Trickster Tale from the plantations of Georgia

Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby. NB The Brer Rabbit (Brer Fox, Brer Bear etc) stories were written down by 19th century Folklorist Joel Chandler Harris as his ‘Uncle Rhemus’ stories.

Sheila - West African Cinderella

Bisi, the bully, and Ranti, the good girl. Old man by the river. Ranti cared for him and took rotten fruit and gained riches. Bisi went to get her share but took the golden fruit, which was full of rats and snakes.