Had been in "The Book of Imaginary Beings" and came out with a spider that jumped on you.
Either you died, or if you didn't, it died.
There was also speculation on exactly who were the eight people, or was it seven, that held the world together without knowing it.
How and why the Jade God welcomed the rat, the ox, not the drowned cat, the tiger, the hare or was it a rabbit,
the philanthropic dragon, the snake that overtook the horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a soggy dog and a mucky pig,
and hence defined the name and order of the Chinese astrological symbols.
Recounted the way in which a kitten was named after a famous Nottingham Forest footballer.
And how he, Peter, was pounced upon by a fully grown Alsation dog and lived to tell the tale.
Jack and the nasty father,
Jack and the farmer and magic money donkey,
Jack and the carpenter and the magic table,
Jack and the wizard and "Up stick and at 'em"
Jack marries Jill.